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* denotes co-authorship.

^ denotes undergraduate author.

Research Papers

5. Amaris R. Lewis*^, Billie C. Goolsby*, Bryan H. Juarez, Madison P. Lacey, Lauren A. O’Connell. Androgenic shifts and external cues mediate parental care versus infanticide in mimic poison frogs. preprint. in review.

4. Billie C. Goolsby^, E. Jordan Smith, Isabella B. Muratore, Zach N. Coto, Mario L. Muscedere, James F. A. Traniello. Behavioral and neural resilience to isolation in a eusocial insect. preprint. in review.

3. Tony G. Chen, Billie C. Goolsby, Guadalupe Bernal^, Lauren A. O’Connell, & Mark R. Cutkosky. Feed me: robotic infiltration of poison frog families. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems: Living Machines (2023).

News Feature:

2. Billie C. Goolsby,* Marie-Therese Fischer*, Daniela Pareja-Mejia, Amaris R. Lewis^, Gaelle Raboisson, Lauren A. O’Connell. Home security cameras as a tool for behavior observations and science equity. preprint. in review.

1. Jessica P. Nowicki, Camilo Rodríguez, Julia C. Lee^, Billie C. Goolsby, Chen Yang, Thomas A. Cleland, Lauren A. O’Connell. Evidence for empathy in pair bonding poison frogs. preprint.

Protocols and Teaching Materials

1. Billie C. Goolsby, Iris N. Mollhoff. bioBUDS: How to Read a Paper. bioBUDS: Building Up Developing Scientists, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/ZMZ5-X720 (2023).

2. Billie C. Goolsby, Tony Chen, Daniel Shaykevich, Marie-Therese Fischer, Lauren A O'Connell. Optimizing image resolution of wyze camera trap recordings. (2024).